growing up

So, today we wanted to share some big news with you guys...

As you all know at the end of last year we finally launched our first styles for women. It took us a really long time to get to that point but the initial response has been really positive so it's time now for our business to grow up. As a result we have decided not to make any more of our beautiful children's shoes and to focus Chapter 2 on women's footwear from here on.

It's a decision that has been difficult to make but one which feels right for both Tom and I, and one which allows us to grow and continue to keep moving forwards. It's exciting as there are so many concepts and shoes we would like to create which we just haven't had the time or energy to get to until now. Being a small brand it's always a juggle of time, money, energy and family which means that sometimes projects we're excited about get put on the back burner or we never actually get to them. We've decided to focus on one collection to try and get to some of those projects and ideas that have been buzzing around for a while and push them forwards whilst also allowing our family to have a little more balance.

Tom and I both work other jobs as well as Chapter 2, I design womens shoes for a luxury British designer and Tom has bespoke footwear clients which is a lot to juggle on top of managing the needs of two collections for our own brand, and raising our kids. To be honest last year was quite overwhelming and pretty stressful so being at home these past few months has given us a chance to pause, to think and reflect on how we can manage our business better, to focus it and to allow ourselves time for each other and our boys. 

Starting Chapter 2 as a kids brand was such a personal thing for me as it begun after my second son was born and I was on the verge of post natal depression for the second time. Feeling myself sinking again I gave myself a challenge outside of motherhood, one where I could express myself creatively and could feel a little bit more like myself again. It was only supposed to be a small project but it quickly escalated into something much bigger and that is Chapter 2. The decision to stop the kids side of the business is a big one, an emotional one and I feel a sense of sadness about it as creating Chapter 2 has always meant so much more to me than just shoes. But, on the other hand it also feels like the right thing to do both financially and energy wise and it's exciting to be at the beginning of a new journey.

When I think back on the children's shoes we have created these past 7 years I feel incredibly proud as we have made some seriously amazing shoes!! Chapter 2 has become something of a cult favourite among those of you in the know and I want to thank all of our super loyal fans (you know who you are, yes I'm looking at you lovely ladies in the States!) for always supporting and encouraging us. The love you have shown us and our shoes has been really something and there are times when we've been pretty overwhelmed by it.

We set out on this journey to make the most beautiful children's shoes that we could and I know we achieved that in spades. So I'm happy. 

This is absolutely not the end, it's just a natural evolution and we look forward to share the next part of the journey with you.

x Fay & Tom


P.S. The kids sale will continue until the 31st August and from September it will be women's shoes only on the website. Tomorrow (Friday 14th) there will be extra discount on the kids collection and we'll also be holding a sample sale of kids shoes & boots which is going to be epic. There's going to be around 60 pairs of our actual press samples, one offs, rare finds and sold out styles from the past 7 years online at sample prices from 9pm BST. 

And finally, for anyone who is a kids made to order customer, we can still do that going forwards but it won't be on the website. You can message us directly as usual and if we can make it for you we will :)


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