There’s a hint of nostalgia and vintage style built into every pair of CHAPTER 2 Boots so our Autumn story is set in the beautiful home of Lori & Anthony Inglishall surrounded by their eclectic collection of antique furniture, vintage textiles and unusual artefacts. The cottage near Lewes, East Sussex has magic details in abundance, low ceilings and not a straight line in sight so it’s no surprise our Boots look right at home here.
Vintage textures and textiles set a beautiful backdrop for our classic Wren & Jackdaw Boots as well as a first look at how to wear our seasonal limited editions. Each Boot is styled simply with an outfit put together with clothes from our models own wardrobe.
Come with us as we embrace the season and the dark Autumn days to enjoy a dose of seasonal style, beautiful Boots, a house full of antiques and a feeling of once long ago.
For me this is a story of true friendship so I want to say a big thanks to Miriam for letting me raid her wardrobe for outfits and for agreeing to model, and of course to Lori & Anthony for lending me their beautiful home.
Red dungarees handmade by our friend Lucie @howl_wear
Photography: Fay Murphy